Real financial wellness tips given by real people

Couple high fiving

How to talk about finances with your partner

It’s never too early to have “the talk” with your partner.

Piggy bank with a graduation cap on.

You missed a student loan payment, now what?

Whether it was because you were short on cash or the due date just slipped your mind, missing a student loan payment doesn’t have to mean the end of the world. Below, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know if you miss a payment.  The first step: reach out to your lender If …

Woman sitting at a table paying bills.

Finance 101: Credit card minimum payments

Thinking about making the minimum payment on your credit card this month? Here’s what you need to know about how it might impact your credit.

Two people looking at their finances.

What you need to know about joint bank accounts

Everything you need to know about opening a joint bank account, from the benefits to the risks.

Man looking at his phone while sitting on a bench

5 Budget techniques that really work

So you want to create a budget, but you don’t know where to start? We’ve been there. There are so many different ways to create a budget that works for your lifestyle, that it might feel overwhelming. Below, we’re outlining five different budget styles and how they work. Once you’ve picked your technique, you can …

Man looking at his phone at night.

How to deal with student loan debt

Got student loan debt? Here are five tips to help you pay down your balance faster.

Woman in a coat looking at her phone in a grocery store

Budgeting 101: The 50/30/20 Budget

The 50/30/20 budget style is all about meeting your needs and saving for the future.


6 Budgeting tips to help you save & cut expenses

Looking to cut expenses and save? These simple budgeting tips will help you pocket extra cash from day one.

A person looking at their house and car bills

5 steps to take to maintain your credit score (and we can help!)

Ok, you’ve clawed your way up to a good credit score. Can you keep it?

Adult son hugging his mom and giving her a kiss on the cheek

9 Easy (& Inexpensive) Mother’s Day Gifts

Looking for the perfect gift for mom? We’ve rounded up our favorite gifts for $50 or less.


Financial Terms You Need to Know

Don’t know the difference between APR and APY? You’re not alone. We’re breaking down the most common terms so you’ll always be prepared.

Paper bill with coins and a lightbulb on top of it.

6 easy ways to save on your utility bills

Cost of living going up but the paycheck… not so much? We feel that. Luckily, there are hidden savings in your water and electricity bills, and we can help you find them! Taken together, making these changes can save you hundreds of dollars on your bills – and make your home more eco-conscious too! Here are …

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