We all know that maintaining a beauty regimen can be exhausting—it’s hard work looking fabulous all the time—and also expensive. The skincare, makeup, and haircare products you have to buy aren’t cheap. The good news is that there are plenty of smart money-saving hacks to help you look amazing without going broke. Here are some of our favorite budget-friendly strategies to save on beauty supplies—so you can look like a diva without having to spend like one.

1. Do your research

Before making any beauty purchases, go research the products you’re about to buy. Read online reviews, watch YouTube tutorials, and check out recommendations from trusted sources. That can help you avoid buying products that don’t do what they say they will, saving you both money and disappointment. (Remember though, that many stores will take returns of products you’re not happy with, even if they’ve been opened!)

2. Subscribe for samples

Many beauty brands offer subscription boxes that have sample-sized versions of their products. These subscriptions allow you to try out a variety of products without committing to full-sized items. It’s a perfect way to figure out what works best for you before spending a lot on a full-sized version of the product.

3. Multi-purpose products

Look for beauty products that serve multiple purposes. For example, a tinted moisturizer with SPF can replace both your foundation and sunscreen, while coconut oil can work as a makeup remover, moisturizer, and hair conditioner. Reducing the number of products you need can save you a lot of money.

4. DIY skincare

Consider making your own skincare products at home using natural ingredients. There are lots of recipes available online for face masks, scrubs, and moisturizers that can be made from items you already have in your kitchen, like honey, yogurt, and oatmeal. DIY skincare is cost-effective with the added bonus of avoiding chemicals.

5. Loyalty programs and rewards

Take advantage of loyalty programs and rewards from your favorite beauty brands and stores. A lot of them will give you points for each purchase that you can use for discounts or free products. Sign up for email newsletters to stay in the know about special offers and promotions.

6. Buy in bulk

When you find beauty products you love and use regularly, think about buying them in bulk or stocking up during sales. Buying larger sizes or taking advantage of “buy one, get one” deals can lower your overall cost.

7. Use every drop

Make the most of your beauty products by using every last drop. Cut open tubes or containers to get to the last bits in the bottom. You’d be surprised how much is left behind!

8. Join cashback and coupon websites

Websites and apps like Rakuten and RetailMeNot offer cashback and coupon deals for various beauty retailers. When you buy through those sorts of platforms, you can earn money back on your beauty shopping.

9. Swap or trade

Think about ways to swap or trade beauty products with friends or family members. You might have items that they want to try, and vice versa. This can save both of you money and allow you to experiment with different products.

10. Empty container recycling programs

Some beauty brands have recycling programs where they reward customers for returning empty containers. Check to see if your favorite brands offer a program like this—it’s a great way to save a little money while also helping save the planet!

11. Invest in quality tools

Quality makeup brushes and skincare accessories may have a higher upfront cost, but they tend to last much longer than cheap alternatives—and they’ll usually work better and be more satisfying to use.

12. Compare prices online

Before you buy anything, check out prices online. A lot of beauty products are available at better prices through online stores. You can also find deals and discounts through price comparison websites.

13. Clearance and outlet stores

Visit clearance and outlet stores for discounts on beauty products. They can be hit-or-miss, but a lot of times you can often find high-end brands at a fraction of the regular price.

The bottom line: how to save on beauty supplies

Maintaining a beauty routine doesn’t have to cost a lot. By using some of these money-saving hacks, you can enjoy quality beauty products without overspending. From using multi-purpose products to taking advantage of rewards programs and buying in bulk, you can look your best while keeping your budget in check. Go get it, girl!